Saturday, June 4, 2011

How many feminists are needed to change a lightbulb?


- 75 to hold a meeting to discuss how the patriarchy-created light bulb came to exist.

- 20 to hold a candle light vigil outside of the building

- 4 to submit newspapers articles asking for more gov%26#039;t funding

- one to get her husband to do it|||ONE - she sticks it in the socket, and the world revolves around her.

Love Jack|||Good thing incandescent bulbs are being phased out, right?

Just so you know, I changed a bulb just last week 鈥?alone.|||Ha. That%26#039;s cute:)|||Lol, now that is funny.

Ummmmm, because I%26#039;m only 5%26#039;2 and can%26#039;t reach lightbulbs even when I%26#039;m standing on a chair, is it bad that I get hubby to do it? eeeep

Edit- oh crap, maybe i should%26#039;ve become all ansty and ranted at ya?

Yay i got a thumbs down.|||Good one dude. As an allegory it is kinda true too.|||ooooh wow, that really stings...not.|||So how many anti-feminist women would it take to change a lightbulb?


She flashes her chest and a hundred anti-feminist guys come running to change the lightbulb for her.|||so, the answer is 100.

Ha|||Hmmm... none.

Someone changes them for me.|||they are too useless to do it, even all the feminists in the world put together would not be able to change the bulb|||yeah right, i changed a bulb just yesterday

ok, i got one

how many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper?




unkonwn, hasn%26#039;t happened yet

:P|||hey i got one how many many rats do you need to get to africa?|||Okay, hes not saying women he%26#039;s saying feminists. Feminists are women who are sexist against men.|||None. We have money and we pay an undereducated man to do it. We do our part to raise the unemployment rate!|||2

One is changing, while the other is making me a sandwich.

How many stars from 90210 does it take to change a lightbulb...? on top of the ladder changing the bulb....and the other one down below saying..`that should be me up there|||LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! got any more i need cheering up|||o O|||LOL

that%26#039;s true|||i love 90210, go away! x|||OK|||lol ur funny did u make dat up|||LOL. very cute I like sound just like the rich and spoiled kids from 90210.

How to change a lightbulb that's screwed in too tightly?

If I grip the bulb any harder the glass will shatter. How can I loosen the bulb and remove it from the lightsocket without breaking the bulb?|||First turn off the power switch to that connection in the electrical box. While unscrewing the light bulb you will need to wear heavy duty gloves in the event the bulb does break. If it does then use small pliers that will grip the metal of the broken bulb and try to twist it loose. It worked for me and I%26#039;m a blond. Just had to add that tidbit!|||Grab the bulb with a towel to protect your hand and while twisting rock it back and forth. this should do it. I have had to do it before and it works.|||If you have to turn off the power and break the bulb. Then take a potato and cut it in half and push it up onto the broken glass. Usually that potato will cut into the jagged glass and you can just twist the base of the bulb out with the potato. I know it sounds weird but i have seen it work. Only do this as a last resort however.|||Try the suggestion about wrapping your hand in a towel and wiggling it...

If this doesn%26#039;t work and there really is no alternative, I would wrap two or three plastic bags around the bulb and then break it. Once you have removed the broken glass, and the lightswitch is OFF you can unscrew it by using a pair of needlenose pliers to grip the metal part.|||You just might have to break the bulb to remove it. Try getting a better grip on it by wrapping a piece of rubber around it. If the bulb breaks get a raw carrot and slice it then stick it on what%26#039;s left and use it to unscrew the base.

If the socket is corroded you just might need to get a new one. They%26#039;re cheap and not that hard to replace.|||I%26#039;d put a heavy duty tight fitting rubber glove on and get a step ladder if necessary to get the bulb at my shoulder level or so if possible. Then with the wall switch off (light off) and safety glasses on, I%26#039;d spray some WD-40 lubricant directly into the visible bulb thread areas using the red soda straw applicator on the spray can to direct the spray up into the socket as much as possible. Finally, grab ahold of the bulb after wiping the excess WD-40 off the glass and unscrew the bulb. Keep the safety glasses on to protect your eyes if the bulb breaks, but now you won%26#039;t be afraid of the bulb breaking. The heavy rubber glove will protect your hand.|||Turn off the power to the socket just in case it does break. Take a couple lengths of duct tape and clean around the base of the bulb just before the metal and after that place the tape around the bulb. This will add some strength to the glass and provide some traction for you.

Get a hand towel or wash rag damp so you get some traction and wrap it once around the bulb at the tape and leave the ends free in your hand. Use the loose ends to pull against the bulb and use it for leverage. This should pop the bulb loose and if it breaks you will not cut yourself.

If it does break make sure the power is shut off and use a pair of pliers or 2 screwdrivers to pull the metal seat out. One ecrewdriver is set against the bottom and the other is used to stick into the side of the seat while pulling against the other to pull the seat free. Once you break it loose you can do it by hand. Good luck with that.|||Use masking tape to secure a plastic bag over the bulb- and like all said turn off power at circuit breaker. if it is in the ceiling. A lamp just unplug it. Then take an oven mitt and gently twist left right left right and wobble gently. It should come out. If not break that sucker and remove base with pliers. If socket is corroded- replace it. if not - when putting in a new bulb run it through your hair- that small amount of oil helps.|||Wrap electrical tape around the lamp a few times then reverse the tape so the sticky side is out. Use leather gloves. If you twist the lamp from the socket you will have to take it out with a needle-nose pliers. A little WD-40 won%26#039;t hurt. Don%26#039;t tighten the lamp so tight next time. Besides making the lamp hard to remove, you can mash the hot contact down flat and it may not make contact on the next lamp. You can pull it back up, but why have to?

Make sure power is off to fixture.|||I%26#039;m so glad you asked! It has happened to me several times, I have ended up breaking the bulb and using needle-nosed pliers while muttering away to myself. So I%26#039;ve tried to record all these suggestions in my brain. The duct tape seems very interesting, and the plastic bag as well to catch the broken glass.

How many postal workers does it take to change a lightbulb?

3,.... One to break it, one to lose it and one to claim they never had it in the first place :P|||And one more to go postal on you.|||Oh, I thought changing light bulbs was subcontracted out to some other company. I do like your answer though!|||haha thats pretty good as far as lightbulb jokes go|||Wait, so how is this a question? I mean, we can%26#039;t really answer you, you answered yourself.|||It depends on whether the staff are regular or agency staff!

Agency staff are usually exploited by vicious gangs thus are too afraid to break or hide anything!.................

What marvellous times we live in!

What is nine inches long and dangles in front of a minge?

A greedy politicians tie!|||None, changing bulbs is not in their labor agreement.

How many rugby players does it take to change a lightbulb?

Answer: 1 the rest will just stand around arguing over which team could have done it better. Opinions?|||1000000, 1 million to change it and 0 to do nothing|||4

1 to hold the lightbulb and 3 to turn the chair|||1 to change it, the other 14 to pull the women in the household.

How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb?

It doesn%26#039;t matter, because feminists can%26#039;t change anything.|||meow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||Feminist are for equality, why cant a woman be equal to a man?|||wow. ur really historically wrong.|||I heard it a thousand times -.-|||wow that was soo funny. u need to get a life becuz clearly you dnt have one posting stupid things like that.|||%26quot;can%26#039;t change anything%26quot; oh really? They got abortion passed in 1973. Take that chauvinist pig!|||just as i am, though tossed about

with many a conflict, many a doubt

fightings within, and fears without

o Lamb of God, i come, i come|||thats not true tho...

I dunno there is nothing more annoying than a stuck up feminist man hater.

They all need to get laid.|||Lol, you right!

How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb?

10 points to the first person who gets it right!|||Only one, but the bulb has got to really WANT to change

Q..How many flies does it take to SCREW in a lightbulb

A..Two but the real question should be how they hell did they get in there in the first place|||3|||100,000|||only one

but the light bulb has to want to change

a zen type psychiatrists went into a coffee shop and asked for a cup of coffee and handed the waiter a twenty dollar bill,

the waiter handed the zen type psychiatrists his cup of coffee and the zen type psychiatrists asks for his change, the waiter said sorry but CHANGE has to come from within....


good luck|||well first the lightbulb would have to want to change.|||one psychiatrist saying, %26quot;lighten up already.%26quot; ha to the ha

How can you change the lightbulb of a lavalamp? I dont know how to open the device. Someone knows?

Its a lamp model TM 275, i got it whit a starwars action.|||My lavalamp has 3 main componants, the top bit, the glass %26#039;bottle%26#039; with the lava and the bass with the bulb.

I simply remove the top piece and the bottle unscrews from the bass unit. Then you have direct access to the bulb and you simply change the bulb then put it back together.|||normally you can just pick the glass up, and unscrew the bulb........

How many managers does it take to change a lightbulb?

None. They like to keep employees in the dark.

How many Democrats does it take to change it?

17.One to change the bulb,six to talk about how wonderful it%26#039;s going to be when the new bulb is screwed in, and ten to argue for increased funding for solar lightning research.

How many guitarists does it take......?

None, they just steal somebodys else%26#039;s light.

How many Christian Scintiest does it take to screw in a light bulb?

One. He prays for the old bulb to come back on.

How many real man does it take to change it.........?

None, Real man aren%26#039;t afraid of the dark.

How many lonely guys...........?

One he wishes it was two.

How mant telemarketers..............?

Only one, but she has to do it while you are eating dinner.

How many cops...........?

Six to sit and hope that it turns itself in.

Please add your list if you want. And let me know which one you like. No mean people pls|||I only have an anwer to the first one.

Managers? None. Managers don%26#039;t work!!|||lol ok............|||lol those were great

thanks for the laugh|||These WERE good but under the wrong category -- might want to repost under jokes/riddles -- but I did enjoy them..... :)|||lol!! the telemarketer one made me laugh out loud in a room all by myself.. lol|||how many Yale grads....?

just one, they hold the bulb in the socket and wait for the world to revlove around them...haha.|||just a comment: it took two of us management to change the light bulb...both females (of course)|||In South Africa ?|||Lol - how many blonds .....? 5 one to hold the bulb and 4 to turn the chair|||Shweet - Thanks for sharing|||I love the second one, thanks for the laugh!|||Thanks Neli g. A good start to the weekend

Changing a lightbulb?

So i have 14 lightsockets in my house atm, and 12 of them have burnt out over the last year. I%26#039;m down to 2 lights and one is flickering. I don%26#039;t want to live in darkness anymore. I cannot change them because my friend told me i could electricute myself, or burn myself. Please help|||Perhaps you should just seek out spiritual enlightenment in order to banish the darkness...or not.|||Easily done. Switch OFF the mains supply and remove one at a time. Note where the wires go to and replace the same. |||If you can%26#039;t figure this out by yourself, call a handyman or an electrician. The%26#039;ll be happy to do it for a small fee. Lol|||Are the lightsockets burnt or just the bulbs?

If its the bulbs then just unscrew them and replace them. You don%26#039;t even need to turn them off, its perfectly safe

If the lightsockets are burnt then you have a SERIOUS problem. This means you have serious voltage spikes and need to hire an electrican to fix the issue. Just replacing the sockets will not solve the problem, something is making them all go %26quot;poof%26quot;

You mention %26quot;flickering%26quot;, if its an incandesent bulb (hot round bulb) then its just loose in the socket, screw it in. If its a flouresent (long straight tube, cool) then the electronic ballast is going out and needs replacing (electrican!). I%26#039;ve had ballasts go out multiple times, its just something that happens.

How many religionists does it take to change a lightbulb?

Or do they just sit around praying for god to magically change it?|||Many. Most will pray for the bulb to be changed and while it remains unchanged, they will proclaim %26quot;It%26#039;s either No or Not Yet%26quot;, and when somebody walks up and changes the bulb they all proclaim %26quot;It%26#039;s an answer to prayer!%26quot;.|||Just one. They hold the bulb and the whole world revolves around them.|||Why would they need light bulbs? According to the religious they%26#039;re always in the light anyway.|||no, they just live in the dark|||Hahaha, oh wow.

You%26#039;re so clever.|||We don%26#039;t need lightbulbs in heaven!

Rev 22:5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.|||Well...someone has to will that mysterious electricity about.|||Followers of the religion of atheism will never get the bulb changed because they will deny that light bulbs exist.|||Light bulbs aren%26#039;t mentioned in the Bible or the Koran.

How many drummers does it take to change a lightbulb?

5 is the magic number I heard. One drummer to change said light bulb. 4 drummers to talk about how Neil Peart could have done it better. Was I misled?|||If you%26#039;re asking is Neil Peart good, then no. I think he is amazing. I also am a fan of Travis Barker as a drummer.

Here is a link to a video of Neil Peart...鈥?/a>

Travis Barker鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

How many jutes does it take to change a lightbulb?

Three. One to hold the bulb, one to hold his sacrificial pouch, and one to wind his head up!|||Has to be better than the same joke about the Irish.

Three. One to hold the bulb and two to turn the ladder.

This doesn%26#039;t work, since in Ireland most light fittings have bayonet connections. Screw in light bulbs are mainly found in continental Europe.

A Jute is someone from Jutland. This is part of Denmark, adjacent to the German area of Friesland. Germans make jokes about East Friesland much the same as the Irish make jokes about Kerry. Presumably these jokes are not affected by national boundaries.|||pig|||WOW!!! That was a very bold joke.|||Seriously?

With that brilliant little stunt you just pulled, it makes all of us wonder how many clones of YOU it would take to change a lightbulb.|||Sorry for my ignorance. What%26#039;s a %26#039;jute%26#039;?|||WTF is a jute|||A jute is a kind of rope used to make macram茅. Your question makes no sense.

A Jute however is entirely different.|||What is a jute? I only know it a a kind of coarse sacking cloth.|||wtf is a jute?

How many blondes does it take to change a lightbulb?


One to shag the electrician and the other to run around screaming her head off for no good reason.|||Blond: %26quot;This stupid light fitting doesn%26#039;t work, and it won%26#039;t take a regular bulb!%26quot;

Brunette: %26quot;That%26#039;s because it%26#039;s a shower head%26quot;|||lol|||haha|||2 funny.|||?|||LOL!! I pictured it and it%26#039;s hilarious!!|||lol|||hahahahha|||lol so true

How do I change the lightbulb on my rear licence plate?

I have a 95 Jeep, don%26#039;t think that matters, but anyhow... the mechanic wants $25 to do it. Why, when I can change it myself for $2.99? I just need to make sure I do it right.|||$2.99????? The 194 bulb is less than 99 cents a piece. If you don%26#039;t think you can do it, go to Wal-mart and if you buy the bulb there, they will usually install it for free.

$25 for them to replace the bulb, that mechanic is a crook.|||are u kidding me?!??! if you look under where the lights shine from there should be 2 lenses with 2 screws each usually star...just unscrew them and the cord should come out with the broken light bulb...if thats not how your car is there should be some detachable door on the backside of your cars rear door..its not that hard...

How many atheists does it take to change a lightbulb?

Two. One to actually change the bulb, and the other to videotape the job so fundamentalists won鈥檛 claim that god did it.|||My first thought was that you have to be able to see the light before you can do a good job of changing it.|||Say yes to good and no to bad.|||Funny...though you should let us answer it before you tell the punchline.|||HAHAHAHAHA!!! OH that slaps me on the knee!!!

(sarcasm)|||hah|||I won%26#039;t take you seriously|||Actually it is only one, because the other guy is not changing the lightbulb, it%26#039;s not how many atheists does it take to change a lightbulb and videotape it?.|||lol|||They%26#039;ll still claim that God did it.

Any evidence gathered can, and will be ignored.

Also, the fact that the inventor of the camera was known to believe in God will be brought to your attention.|||I never really liked lightbulb jokes. They just seem like such obvious humor.

I%26#039;m not an atheist, by the way.|||Atheists don%26#039;t try to change things. We leave that job to arrogant fundies.|||I don%26#039;t know, but it took one to invent the thing.|||i like it|||lol! I think that%26#039;s funny and I%26#039;m a theist... for the record.|||And one more to say, %26quot;let there be light%26quot;?|||None. They%26#039;ll just pretend that nobody ever saw the light.|||When you say change a light bulb do you mean they will evolve it into a new species of light emitter?|||Haha wow i almost thought this was a christian joke for like two seconds. you almost felt the wrath of clayton!

How many Republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?

None-they don%26#039;t believe in change and like to be in the dark.

It%26#039;s just a joke people.|||Nice.

But my answer is:

%26quot;None. They just hire an illegal alien to do menial work like that.%26quot;|||LMAO! I like it!|||It%26#039;s a good one!||| How many democrats does it take to elect a lib dimwit?|||ha-ha. Not so funny. Thanks for the 2 points though!

McCain/Palin %26#039;08

jrbw|||Fun. How many democrats does it take, then? A 3/4ths majority to pass a law spend 100 billion of tax payers%26#039; money on a contract for a single light bulb.|||Oh come on- I can%26#039;t believe a democrat would actually get up to do it!!

Shouldn%26#039;t the government take care of that for you?

just a joke ha ha.|||Fascinating Captian

Fascinating.....|||This from Pat Buchanan

How to Start Each Day With a Positive Outlook

1. Open a new file in your computer.

2. Name it %26#039;Barack Obama%26#039;.

3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.

4. Delete it from the Recycle Bin.

5. Your PC will ask you: %26#039;Do you really want to get rid of %26#039;Barack Obama%26#039;?

6. Firmly Click %26#039;Yes.%26#039;

7. Feel Better?

GOOD! - Tomorrow we%26#039;ll do Nancy Pelosi

|||How long does it take republicans to change a light bulb?

5 years and still counting.|||one but democrats have to take people out of all 57 states! 57 states is what obuma said!|||How many Democrats does it take to make a brain? Probably a lot, considering Democrats most likely don%26#039;t have one.|||Ok, that%26#039;s funny, but can you take it as well as you dish it out?

How many Democrats does it take to change a light bulb?

All of them. First you form an action committee to study the problem, then you create a new government program to deal with the issue, then of course you have to raise taxes to pay for it all. Sadly, in the end the light bulb doesn%26#039;t get changed, but you have created a lot of government jobs. Kind of like universal health care, don%26#039;t you think?|||None - that%26#039;s what the %26quot;help%26quot; is for. |||1 to put it in and 100 democrats to debate and complain about it|||I like it.|||One|||Wow I%26#039;m amazed at the length of time that was needed to come up with a good joke like this.Best I have ever heard in my life.You should try out for last comic standing.|||Isabella if Obama gets elected, you will be very, very sorry. We all will be because America will not be. He will lead us into full blown Socialism, tax excellence and small business which is what makes the economy run. He will expand the tentacles of government into all things that should be in the private sector which means you will have less rights. Wake up people! Obama is an appeaser. He thinks we can make nice with our enemies.

CHANGE? What kind of change are you speaking of? I want a change too. Smoking crack is a change but it%26#039;s not the right kind of change. Either is Obama.

I%26#039;m part of the voting revolution. I%26#039;m voting Bob Barr this year. If he loses. Oh, well. I will then have the right to scream the loudest amongst all of you.|||How many democrats does it take to change a light bulb?

1 to say it needs to be put to a vote and 1 more with 300 ballots with dead peoples%26#039; names on them to rig the outcome.|||They%26#039;ll tell you it takes just one hard-working Republican. Pay no attention to those guys in over-alls, who fetched the bulb and lifted the guy up on their shoulders. If they need any light, it%26#039;ll trickle down.|||what do you call a liberal with 2 brain cells???????????????????????????????????…


























gifted|||Oh did you come up with that yourself. Sounds like something a dumbass liberal would say.|||lol|||HAHAHAHHAHAHA --------*crickets*|||They do like to waste energy, though. |||How many Republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?

TOO MANY! That%26#039;s why we shouldn%26#039;t let another one be president come November.|||lol good one


How do you change the lightbulb in a Bernina Artista 170 Quilter's Edition?

I don%26#039;t actually need to change it, I think, but I need to make sure that it%26#039;s tight. It%26#039;s not on most of the time but it does blink on occasionally, so I know the bulb isn%26#039;t blown.|||If you think it is a loose fit or poor placing, try to push it in or twist it a little like any other bulb, careful not to damage it. Use a piece of cloth or gloves if it is possible, to avoid fingerprints that may burn in when the light bulb does start working again.

If that does not help, try to take it out, carefully twisting to get it out, or twisting half a turn and pulling, or just pulling gently if it does not twist at all.

Once you get it out you can try to clean the contacts, or even use sandpaper to roughen up the contact, sometimes it helps.

If neither works, always be gentle, and you can not get better info on-line, walk into a sewing machine shop in town the next time, bringing the machine if possible. The people there will be able to help you, or at least tell you what to do.

There are several sites with sewing machine manuals on site, but I have never been able to see the pages that deal with the light-bulbs without paying first.

This site seems to have the manual on-line, but I did not see anything about changing the light bulb:鈥?/a>

Here are some links to sites that sell manuals, the last one also has a repairs section on the site, for trouble shooting:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

How do I change the lightbulb in a town and country console?

A litghtbulb went out in my 2002 Chrysler Town and Country Console. Does anyone know how i can change it...I looked in my manual and i did not see anything in reference to my problem..|||the reason you don%26#039;t find anything, is because it%26#039;s not always easy to replace the bulb. in most cases, you will have to pull the console apart to get at the bulb. just be very careful doing it, so you don%26#039;t break anything, or disconnect anything. if you don%26#039;t know how to do it, and are not good with tools, i would recommend you find some one that knows. hopefully a friend, so it won%26#039;t cost you anything.

How do I replace the lightbulb in a Sharp Carousel microwave?

I have a Sharp Carousel microwave, not terribly old but not brand new either, maybe about 5-6 years old? Anyway, the globe has gone out in it, and I need to replace it. Can anybody tell me where I would get a replacement microwave bulb from, and how exactly I%26#039;d go about replacing it? I don%26#039;t see any immediately obvious cover or hatch or anything that houses the globe, will I have to pull apart the entire thing just to change the lightbulb?|||You can go here and enter your model number to find the bulb.鈥?/a>

Most microwaves bulbs require you to remove the covers screws and slide the cover off to replace the bulb.|||You cannot change the lightbulb, it must be taken to a Sharp authorized service center to replace the lightbulb. You are lucky, mine is only 17 months old and the light has burned out.|||it should tell in your users manual, if you dont have that find an 800 number online for technical help, they will be able to help you................good luck

How many scotts takes to change a lightbulb?

20 1 to change the lightbulb and 19 to drink whiskey and dance around wearing skirts to that stupid bagpipe lol!|||Eh are you trying to get us to do your jobs. Your the ones who change the light bulbs.|||scott who?

Changing a lightbulb?

How many racists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

None -- they don%26#039;t want to be enlightened!|||ummm, ok, not funny babe, try harder, bye!|||i think thats a cool joke! dont listen to ol grumpyboots! i think its good! i luv those lightbulb jikes anyway!

How many cops does it take to screw n a lightbulb ?

None. It turned itself in!

Joke : Changing a lightbulb .......?

Q . How many blondes does it take to change a lightbulb?

A . One to hold the diet Iron Bru and one to yell, %26#039;%26#039;Dadddddyyyyy%26#039;%26#039;.|||Good stuff mate you are funny keep them coming your a star ha ha ha|||lol nice|||that was stupid|||Q. How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb.?

A. None, it has to want to change itself.|||ahahaha|||ok i didn%26#039;t get this joke|||Q: How many real estate agents does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: We%26#039;ll ask for seven, but settle for six.


Q: How many blondes does it take to screw in a light blub?

A: How do you get them in the light bulb?

How many WWE Divas does it take to change a lightbulb?

Funny answers needed.

BQ: ( you don%26#039;t have to answer the bonus)

How many WWE wrestlers does it take to change a lightbulb?

How many TNA wrestlers does it take to change a lightbulb?|||How many divas does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Answers: None, because you can just call the TNA Knockouts to do it!

WWE Wrestlers:

1, and his name is John Cena, cause he can apparantly do anything.

TNA Wrestlers:

One single X-Division star.|||How many dumb questions does it take for you to realise that nobody cares.|||Whether it%26#039;s 2 divas or 10 it will take less than 3 minutes.

How many fundies does it take to change a lightbulb ?

How many fundies does it take to change a lightbulb ?

( I would think as light bulbs are not mentioned in the bible fundies do not think they exist.)|||One to take out the busted lightbulb, one to curse it as witchcraft, one to blame the rest of society and another to pray for sunshine in the middle of the night.|||old hat question|||They don%26#039;t.|||One to screw it in, one to push the switch and say %26quot;Let there be light.%26quot;

And ten others to pretend it was witty.|||it would never get done, because they would just pray to %26#039;God%26#039; to do it. lol|||only one to supervise a dozen atheists who screw up the light|||No, no no. We can%26#039;t change that lightbulb. My great, great, great grandma donated that lightbulb!!

ha ha lol!|||None.

They%26#039;ll just bask in the light of their (imagined) God.|||None - they all just sit around in the dark and Pray for God to do it.|||Light bulbs? Ohhh are you talking about the giant fire flies on my ceiling that God has gratefully given to me through his servant walgreens?|||100 would pray. Then the janitor would change the bulb. He will say that someone told him the bulb was burned out. The fundies will believe the %26quot;someone%26quot; was an angel sent by God.|||Two. One to change it, and one to just stand their and be all, %26quot;ugh, gay, universal healthcare...repent!%26quot;, and other annoying fundamentalist things.

I don%26#039;t feel like being creative. Big deal.

Better answer: They hate change of any kind.

How many politicians does it take to change a lightbulb?

I have been hearing many excuses recently why streetlights don%26#039;t get replaced when they blow.

Can anyone give me a good answer as to why they never get replaced and also, does anyone know how many politicians it takes to change a lightbulb?|||None, they%26#039;re too busy screwing in the nation.|||Street lights are maintained by the local utility companies and they only replace them when they are reported, as far as a politician changing light bulbs, won%26#039;t happen they send their wives to do it!~!|||An unlimited number?|||They do in my neighborhood. The real reason is a lot of the time, everyone assumes someone else reports it, and in reality no one ever does.

As far as how many politicians it takes to change a light bulb, no one really knows. Those cats flee anything resembling illumination like they are vampires fleeing sunlight (maybe a better metaphor than we know). That, and the funds that were supposed to pay for the bulbs got diverted to pay for that damn bridge in the middle of nowhere that coincidentally makes some of Harry Reid%26#039;s land triple in value.|||3 at a guess streetlights got nothing to do with this part og the joke|||If we wait for them to change them we%26#039;ll be in the dark for a long time. Good question.|||1st part of the question .it depends on how long it takes a member of the public to report the faulty light.

2nd part of the question. It depends how much you%26#039;re paying them.|||DayDoom..They send their wives to do it...then claim it on|||How long is a piece of string?|||Four, One to stand on top of the ladder and three to turn it!

Or report the outage and get two guys and a truck with a cherry picker, and they will get the job done much quicker, without the screwing around!

~|||There aren%26#039;t enough politicians in this country to charge a light bulb.|||The second part of the question requires a committee to determine the number, location and frequency of alleged failures in order to determine an acceptable %26quot;incandescent illumination non-performance index%26quot; and whether any ongoing downward management of that index is justified in terms of socio-economic benefit and/or the achievement of national performance targets and whether it is fiscally prudent to do so within present revenue forecasts. We believe the fundamental question to which the electorate rightfully deserves a comprehensive and frank response goes far beyond the mere numerate designation of physical lumen service operatives from this house. In the fullness of time, when the committee report has been debated, queried, filed, submitted, voted-on and accepted, it is our intention that it it shall receive consideration appropriate to its then priority in the national agenda. We MPs thank you for bringing this important matter to our attention and believe that our detailed response fully resolves the matter.|||I don%26#039;t know. It%26#039;s never been done.|||none the h%26amp;s wnt let them

How many Obamabots does it take to change a lightbulb?

You might need quite a few,they may make an issue out of using a standard lightbulb which wastes energy and use a compact fluorecent.|||it will at least take a committee of them, and a ACLU rep to ensure fair play|||Is it a CFB?|||there is no such thing, so none.|||Very well said.|||If your joke was intended to demonstrate your superior intelligence, you might consider spelling the word %26quot;fluorescent%26quot; correctly.

Otherwise, you just look stupid.|||chill dude, why are so angry and scared for being reported

i gave you my words, i won%26#039;t report but just don%26#039;t ask moronic questions|||None, will sit in the dark!|||None, because Obama will change it for us!

Obama for America!|||They can%26#039;t change a lightbulb unless thier cult leader tells them to.|||I dunno. How many people asking questions here have any idea what they are talking about?|||To change a light bulb into what.?|||NONE.....THEY JUST HIRE A RABID TO DO IT FOR THEM|||Who needs lightbulbs?

President Bush is my sunshine.

I bask in His warm glow.

J. Cidnee McCain III %26#039;08|||none, all they do is say change and hope|||I like that, very funny I`ll be telling it to my friends.|||Someone already asked this question, at least their punchline was funnier.

Here is mine

How many Republicans does it take take to screw the country? One.|||Any one of them will do. They love change and believe it is always good. No understanding needed whatsoever.|||1 to ask Obama

2 to get permission from the UN

3 To get a chair

4 one to hold it

5 to put it in

6 to hand him the light bulb

6|||He can%26#039;t change it, there%26#039;s no plan to change it. He just wants people to believe he%26#039;s going to change it. It%26#039;s politics as usual for him. Look how he earmarked those funds to be given to the hospital that his wife worked at. It%26#039;s all about #1 baby!|||It will never get done because they will all %26quot;hope%26quot; the light bulb will get %26quot;changed%26quot;. In other words, all talk and no action.|||When you are sending children to die for OIL lcompact flourecents are an issue.

The amazing thing is that why would it be an argument why would saving money be an argument to a party that was once supposed to reperesnet fiscal responsibilty,.

THe problem is that The republican party has been replaced with people who DONT THINK and turn the discusiion into JOKES LIKE THIS ONE%26gt;%26lt;

THey use arguments like this TO WASTE OUR money to protect corporations who have no loyalty to this country or pay taxes who send our Jobs overseas.


WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR CHINA?|||LMAO, How original.|||None, they just sit there and stare into the dark, after all you can%26#039;t have an WHITE light.|||Compact flourescents last longer too. But the answer to the question is NONE. We have the maid change the bulbs when the need arises.|||how many dumbass questions like this do you think could power that light bulb?|||You need to employ about a thousand govment workers|||I think instead of changing the lightbulb they will just HOPE for it to change.|||they dont even have electricity in most places in africa...........

How do you change a lightbulb?

My dad isn%26#039;t home right now and the lightbulb just burned out. It%26#039;s going to be dark soon, what do I do?|||1. Turn light off

2. Smash light bulb with hammer

3. Get a potato

4. Cut in half

5. Jam cut half into socket with right hand, rotate counterclockwise (right thumb moves away from pointer finger) and remove broken bulb remains.

6. Take a light bulb from another lamp (make sure it is cool to touch)

7. With right hand thread new old bulb into the socket going clockwise (right thumb moves toward pointer finger) until it stops

8. Turn switch to the on position until photons are emitted.

9. If no light, return to step 1|||Get 4 of your friends to come over. Place a stepladder under the bulb. Grasp the bulb firmly, and have your friends turn the stepladder counter-clockwise. Installation is reverse.|||call five of your frends to pick up a chair that you are standing on and turn it in a circular motion until the bulb screws out then repeat process to install new bulb

remember righty tighty lefty loosy|||turn the swich down. If the bulb isn%26#039;t hot twist it off. Throw it away. Open a new one and twist it on. Then turn the light back on|||Be wearing shoes with a rubber sole, make sure the light it off and has been for 30 minutes so that your hand doesn%26#039;t get burned from the heat, and just unscrew it. Its very simple.

By the way, some people are trying to mess with you..incase you haven%26#039;t noticed.|||you find the lightbulb you need to replace it

then you have to take the broken one out of the socket, so unscrew it (remember, righty tighty lefty loosey)

after its taken out, you put the new one in the socket and tighten it

its easy.|||It all depends on what you want to change it to.|||Pull the lamp out put your tongue in the socket to see if there is power, if so change the lamp, if not call an electrician.|||Take a match and light one of your couches on fire. That should give you sufficient lighting.... until you die.|||you cant change it unless it wants to be changed...

How many customs officers does it take to change a lightbulb?

I don%26#039;t know, but it must be pretty hard to change a lightbulb when you%26#039;ve got your hand up somebody%26#039;s @rse!|||OMG! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! That made me laugh like crazy!!!.|||1 HE SHOOTS THE OLD BULB AND SCREW ANOTHER

How do I open a wide ceiling light fixture to change the lightbulb?

The lamp I have is similar to this one:鈥?/a>

The only difference is that mine is shaped kind of like an octagon instead of a circle, so when I tried to open it by twisting it, it would only move back and forth about half an inch but wouldn%26#039;t twist open. I also tried pulling on it and twisting the piece of metal in the center, but nothing has worked. The lightbulb has been out for a few days, but I have no clue how to open this lamp so that I could put in a new lightbulb. Also, I%26#039;m scared to get long as the power is off it is safe to change the lightbulb, right? I%26#039;d really appreciate some advice.|||Turn the finial, thats the pointy thing at the bottom. That holds

everything together. The glass will drop and you are good to go. Be careful!|||1. You%26#039;re not using enough force on the finial (the knob at the bottom).

2. As long as the switch is off you%26#039;re OK.

How many John Cena fans does it take to change a lightbulb?

How many John Cena haters does it take to change a lightbulb?

Funny answers please. Best answer will be given to the most creative ones.|||None. They are all too re-tarted to know how to do it.|||Stop being a troll.|||i get the feeling none because they%26#039;d climb the ladder and get confused when they don%26#039;t see a belt|||what fans

no but sense all hes fans are dumb enough to like him the must be lii kids so they need to ask there mommy|||many coz there blind [ u cant see me ] puhh|||Well they%26#039;d need to be able to reach the lightbulb because there all like under 8 years old|||Until Batista defeats him at WrestleMania 26, which will hapepen. Batista will Batista Bomb Cena on top of the roof of the University of Phoenix Staduim and retain then John Cena will cry and lose and admit Batista is better than him, which Batista is. But I%26#039;m not a Cena-Hater, I just hate how he thinks he%26#039;s the best, and Batista is the best.|||Just one to ask for an adult.

They will just blog about how they hate that the lightbulb is still shining and it needs to be changed or they riot.|||How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?|||it takes two John Cena fans to change a lightbulb..

one to change the lightbulb..

and another to cry when they realise that the lightbulb has more moves than cena...|||The amount of Randy Orton fans.|||Troll|||NONE - They have their parents to do it , since they are too short to change the bulb..

2) .. NONE- The less to see Yawn Cena ,the better ....|||zero because they are all still sucking on pacifiers and playing with Duplos.|||well let%26#039;s see now. it takes the same amount of people to change a light bulb as it takes to answer this question. i guess that would be one. it also takes the same amount that you have stars for this question. that would be none. it also could take the same amount as the amount of combs it takes to comb batista%26#039;s hair. that would be none! cause it wouldn%26#039;t make any difference. no

because they either can%26#039;t see any way or they are too crazy to understand how to figure out that you have to turn the light bulb for it to stay in the socket and then turn on the switch. some one call their mommies so they can do it.

so it%26#039;s like whether your a fan or hater it doesn%26#039;t really matter.

How many Millwall fans does it take to change a lightbulb?

Eight, one to change the lightbulb, and seven to beat the **** out of the old one.|||haha, nice one|||NO it takes none because we get our wives to do it

Report Abuse

|||Very good.

It is hot in my house at the mo, i%26#039;m sweating like a millwall fan in a spelling test.

I thank you|||

OH you spoilt it...I wanted to guess :-)

How many meat-eaters does it take to change a lightbulb?

It couldn%26#039;t be done.

One falls to the floor writhing in pain from food poisoning from reheated pork.

The second does likewise, but from excruciating period pains bought on by a vitamin C defiency.

The third goes into a CJD induced coma.

The fourth is hospitalised with salmonella and the fifth finally gets to the lightbulb- he needs the light on during the day because of a vitamin A defiency bought on by not eating enough vegetables or fruit- but because the poor bloated chap is so obese from all the saturated fat he eats, he hasn%26#039;t got the strength to reach his arms up.

So a vegan changes the bulb for him.|||lol. i love it. It really sums up some of the %26quot;benefits%26quot; of eating meat. You forgot the 6th meat-eater who DOESNT want to change it because s/he would rather stay in the dark about things. (heidi posted that one earlier)

edit: mmgirl_11, come on, we get %26quot;taste of our own medicine%26quot; in this section all the time. Havent you seen some of the ignorant posts on here, posted by meat eaters? That%26#039;s why they love this place so much.|||hahaha. that%26#039;s a good one.|||What kind of question is that?|||You know, the problem with Vegans is that though they believe their lifestyle is far superior to others, they can%26#039;t remain quietly smug. They have to belittle others%26#039; lifestyle choices. What happened to tolerance? By the way, I like nothing better with my steak than a good tossed salad and baked potato.|||Wow. That%26#039;s not that funny, its just kind of a downer.|||5 hunky male meat eaters to hunt it and one competent female to fit it!!!|||lol hahahhaha thats funny. i hate how meat eaters are asking stupid not funny at all offensive questions in this section|||Even though my eyes went a little buggy reading the like, sad stuff, you%26#039;re really right. People post those ridiculous %26quot;jokes%26quot; in here all the time and then CANNOT take it when we try to give them a taste of THEIR medicine in OUR forum! And yes. It is a vegetarian and vegan forum so it is ours! %26gt;:|

Haha Gal_D I wish I could take credit for that joke ... I found it on a site that I wish I had bookmarked, lots of funny jokes on there! ;)|||HAHA... I love it.... I guess we aren%26#039;t the only ones with %26quot;thin skins%26quot; ... WHAT?? some meat-eaters can%26#039;t take a joke either...???.... I thought that it was only us!!!

And It%26#039;s funny cause... usually when they post jokes about us... it is in OUR OWN forum... But You didn%26#039;t even post this in the general food and drink section...(Or did you... I didn%26#039;t check) And they still get p!ssed off....well I have one thing to say...

HAHAHA... I think Heidi should post the meat-eater joke that she posted the other day... That one was funny too!|||How many vegans does it take to change a lightbulb.

Cant be done, they%26#039;re too weak and scrawny to reach it!

Sorry bout that, i just wanted you to have a taste of yuor own medicine! I dont think that way of vegetarians, my mom is one after all. For your information just because someone eats meat doesnt mean they are unhealthy! Its not like we eat a solid diet of burgers and chicken nuggets! We eat vegetables too! And lean meat is very healthy as well.

So dont go around acting like a smart aleck, it wont make you very popular at parties!

How many Wrestling Fans does it take to change a lightbulb?

1) How many wrestling fans does it take to change a lightbulb?

2) How many Yahoo-Trolls does it take to

change a light bulb?

3) How many McMahon%26#039;s does it take to change a lightbulb?

4) How many Original ECW fans does it take to change a lightbulb?|||1. Just one but you need two to tell him the way he did it was too predictable

2. Trick question. Trolls are afraid of the light.

3. 0. They pay other people to do that kind of stuff

4. just one because if you have more they start beating each other over the head with them.|||1) 1

2) I dunno

3) 1 - Vince would threaten to fire it if it didnt change itself

4) 1342352351513461341523152356321141432655鈥?br>

BQ) How many Vince McMahons does it take to change a lightbulb?

2. One to change the lightbulb and one to fire him when he comes down.

Got that from WWE universe xD|||1. 2, one to screw it in and one to cheer

2. 3, one to screw it in and two to report them

3. none, they can get HHH to do it for them

4. 100. one to screw it in and 99 to bash each other up

BQ: How many HHH does it take to screw in a light bulb,

none he can get Vince to get another wrestler to do it for him|||1)Two, one to change it and the other to have a ladder match with.

2)10, one to change it and the others to raid yahoo answers.

3) 2, one to fire the original guy that was supposed to change the lightbulb and another to egg him on.

4) Lightbulb?!?!?!?!? i think the better question is how many lightbulbs does it take to make Sabu bleed.|||1. it doesn%26#039;t matter because we have the tv light to look around. anyways, we are looking at the tv. no need for a light bulb. wwe is all the light we need. because they did not pay the electric bill

3. they hire people for that

4. see # 1 {born in philly}

BQ. how many lightbulbs did Snitcky eat to have teeth like that.|||.1. They%26#039;ll be like Wtf a lightbulb.

2. One, i can change it alone.

3. However many their is

4. Your mum.

Why is ashley like a lightbulb? They are both blonde|||1) two, one to change it and another to be have the bulb smashed around his head.

2) None , they prefer to work in darkness.

3) a McMahon would never lower themself to such a thing, that%26#039;s what dolph zigler is for

4) three, one to change the lightbulb one to hold the ladder and a final one to take the 5 Star Frogsplash from the first one.

BQ: which face of foley can change a lightbulb the fastest?||| but it would probably involve tables,ladders and chairs.

2.Dunno, couldnt care less!

3.None they%26#039;d probably hire someone to do it for them and then have them fired.

4.two , one would probably bash the bulb of the other persons head!|||1 - 1 , I can do that myself.

2 - All of them Combined , and even then , they%26#039;ll still be in Darkness because the Combined IQ isn%26#039;t enough for them to Realize when you close the Refrigerator Door , THE LIGHT GOES OUT ANYWAY.

3 - None. Vince Demands light , and If he Doesn%26#039;t Receive it , He Removes God from his Position , and just Proclaims: Let There be Light!

4 - 8.

1 to yell %26quot;GET THE TABLES!%26quot;

1 to get the Table.

1 to set up the Table.

1 to pour Lighter Fluid on the Table.

1 to Light the Table on Fire!

1 to pour Thumbtacks all over the Table.

1 to set up a Ladder Over the Table.

1 to Climb the Ladder , Remove the Lightbulb , %26amp; Smash it on the First Guy%26#039;s Head.

* The Light Bulb Does Not get Changed*

*EDIT* -

BQ - How Many Times Does Dolph Ziggler Need to introduce Himself and say %26quot;Hi , I%26#039;m Dolph Ziggler , Nice to Meet You - Will you Change this Light Bulb?%26quot; before he Gets a Florescent Light Bulb Shoved up his @ss?

How many Celtic fans does it take to change a lightbulb?

Three. One to change the bulb, one to buy the %26quot;2007-2008 light bulb changing%26quot; commemorative T-shirt and video, and one to drive the other two back to Barlinnie.|||not exactly a celtic hater- but check this one out:

Harald Brattbakk%26#039;s wife wanted him locked up - she had had enough of the eejit.

So she went to the police and told them: %26quot;Please Help, my husband has been hitting me.%26quot;

The Police gave sound advice: %26quot;Ma%26#039;m, don%26#039;t worry. Just carry a goalpost in each hand - I guarantee he%26#039;ll never hit you.%26quot;|||and who taught you to write|||look i think you should just tell your mum you smoke.|||its not funny ....|||i agree with nick w.|||I know we should hang our heads in shame at the videos we release. I mean after all Rangers release such classics as the %26quot;Michael Mols%26quot; Vidoe.|||that was so bad my eyes are bleeding

thanks alot mate|||mmmm does it still hurt?

At least Celtic can afford a lightbulb this year!|||one

he stands and holds the bulb while he hilariously assumes the room and the rest of the world revolves around celtic|||LOL|||just out of curiosity ? What wing were they in up bar L ?|||lol well I found it funny,would even find it funny if it was rangers fans that you had used.

Some people have no sense of humour today it seems.|||that wasnt so|||What would the 2 prison officers want to change a light bulb for ?. lol|||Terrible|||us tims dont need light bulbs we live in eternal light!! plus the glow of our trophy room lights up half the city!!|||Heres one tim that used a picture of her rangers supporting brother as contraceptive.|||Thought the holy mob didny use contraception . . or do they only listen to the wee nazi wi the pointy hat when it suits them ?|||a new video is out why was i not told about this sooner??|||none

the rangers fans will do it for|||soccer is stupid and so is this joke

How Many Forum members does it take to change a lightbulb?

One to change the light bulb and to post that the light bulb has been changed.

Fourteen to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light bulb could have been changed differently.

Seven to caution about the dangers of changing light bulbs.

Seven more to point out spelling/grammatical errors in posts about changing light bulbs.

Five to flame the spell checkers.

Three to correct spelling/grammar flames.

Six to argue over whether it%26#039;s %26quot;lightbulb%26quot; or %26quot;light bulb%26quot; ... another six to condemn those six as stupid.

Fifteen to claim experience in the lighting industry and give the correct spelling.

Nineteen to post that this group is not about light bulbs and to please take this discussion to a lightbulb (or light bulb) forum.|||lol good one! So true!|||And one to say that light bulbs are offensive and flag as inappropriate!|||thats pretty good^|||19 they more than one job|||can i change the light bulb (lightbulb) ?|||Long but pretty funny! Ha Ha!|||10 to explain why changing the light bulb isn%26#039;t a racist event|||many say a pelopenecian horse does not have power converters for lightbulbs. however someday it will|||Apple s*cks, lol

How do I get a shattered lightbulb out of the toilet bowl?

I am such a dork! I was changing a lightbulb in the bathroom and I dropped it! It hit the toilet seat, shattered and most of the glass fell into the toilet.

Any ideas on getting the glass out without cutting myself? BTW, I am a total KLUTZ and will absolutely cut myself if I try to pick the pieces out one by one...|||I%26#039;d take out the metal bottom of the light bulb and throw it away... Then use the handle end of a broom stick... or something similar and smash up the glass in the bowl until they are very fine, or very small, then flush it. Shouldn%26#039;t harm your toilet in anyway if you break them down real well.|||Try using tongs just don%26#039;t use them too pick up hot dogs

again.|||Rubber gloves? Fish net?|||if the metal part isnt in the toilet flush it...its not going to hurt you see any big pieces? the only other thing i can is use a slotted spoon..and then throw it away...or chopsticks..tongs...|||put a glove on a start fishing it out|||Use a large carrot to remove the base of the light bulb assuming there are some sharp glass still attached to the light bulb base.

Then remove the glass pieces wearing a thick latex glove.|||The only thing i can think of is to turn the water off to the toilet, and flush until the bowl is as dry as possible ( no water in the bowl), then get a dustpan and broom and with the broom try to carefully sweep it up out of the bowl into the dustpan, there will be a lot of small shards of glass so it will be painstakingly slow. Or vacuum it up maybe,

Good luck

and BTW Your not a dork it can happen to the best of us lol

David (Two Brains) Willets- Can you make up a 'Lightbulb changing' joke?

He claimed 拢115 plus VAT that he paid someone to change 25 light bulbs in his second home.|||how many light bulbs does it take to change david willets 2nd home?|||(Like the additional resources)

Ok, here%26#039;s one -

Q: How many homosexuals does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: Just one, but he%26#039;s still going to burn in hell|||How many politicians does it take to change a light bulb?

One to fill in the expenses form and ten imaginary workmen to do the work.|||If these rogues were half as intelligent at the job they are paid for as they are making up creative accounting the country would run like a Rolls-Royce.|||This bunch of fiddling scum have been at it since forever. Gordon %26quot;dropped himself right in it%26quot; Brown has apologised today , not for the crime that%26#039;s been committed during the last god knows how long by him and his accomplices, but for the %26quot;last few days%26quot; of trouble that he and his string section have had because they%26#039;ve been caught with their fingers in the till. M.P%26#039;s from all parties are all covering for each other, you can watch them slither during interviews denying that they have been orchestrating this crime together since they all conspired to %26quot;dip%26quot; to their hearts consent when they hatched this great drain robbery many years ago.

I WILL GET MY MONEY BACK, if anyone wishes to join me let me know.

A fighting fund to pay for the legal battle against each and every sewer rat will be a tough one, but I HAVE NEVER FAILED so join me today and we%26#039;ll hang these dishonorable thieves by their scruples.

contact me at

How many members of the Bush Administration are needed to replace a lightbulb?

Did you guess 10?

1. One to deny that a lightbulb needs to be changed.

2. One to attack the patriotism of anyone who says the lightbulb needs to be changed.

3. One to blame Clinton for burning out the lightbulb.

4. One to tell the nations of the world that they are either for changing the lightbulb or for darkness.

5. One to give a billion dollar no-bid contract to Haliburton for the new lightbulb.

6. One to arrange a photograph of Bush, dressed as a janitor, standing on a step ladder under the banner %26quot;Lightbulb Change Accomplished.%26quot;

7. One administration insider to resign and write a book documenting in detail how Bush was literally %26quot;in the dark.%26quot;

8. One to viciously smear #7.

9. One surrogate to campaign on TV and at rallies on how George Bush has had a strong light-bulb-changing policy all along.

10. And finally, one to confuse Americans about the difference between screwing a lightbulb and screwing the country.

Can you think of anymore?|||Nice one!

I would add another member of the Bush Administration trying to convince people that the reason light bulb failed is connected to a completely unrelated issue, maybe even wrong, which they would like to get rid of. For instance, they could say that the light bulb fused because there is not enough energy for all light bulbs in the network and therefore the Kyoto agreement should not be signed on that grounds.|||HaHa! Great-I love it!!!|||ummm, thanks for wasting a few seconds of my life....|||Oh my gosh; this is truly a LOL question!

I think you%26#039;ve covered ALL the bases!

LOL...all day long!|||That is great|||None! They prefer to keep us in the dark.|||Very cool - I only had 7 of them...|||That%26#039;s great! LOL!!|||AWESOME!!!!!|||I don%26#039;t suppose you want to include the poor intern who actually, mistakenly changes the bulb thinking that was what everyone wanted and the 12th one who then has the responsibility of turning off the light so they don%26#039;t all have to scurry into the corners?|||Ok.. you forgot the people that have to do the environmental impact study about what light bulb to replace it with AND for proper disposal of the old one...

oh... and someone to leak it to the press that a light bulb that once burned in the White House is for sale on eBay.

GREAT LIST!! hehe|||10 don%26#039;t touch it. A division of U.S.Marines, The whole U.S. Army, the U.S.Navy and all the Kings men don%26#039;t seem to be able to change that light bulb. Another year and a half and it will be changed. Thank goodness for term limits.|||You forgot the reporter from faux to substantuate that it was changed and Rush Limbaugh so after it is over he and Bush can go do drugs.|||LMAO and you called me names, sorry I will not stoop to the level which is required to be a damnocrat. Only one because the damnocrats would stand around blaming and crying about the bulb!

Changing LightBulb gave Electric Problem? [updated qestion with lots of pics]?

There were sockets in our hanging fixture over the dining table that bulbs were still broken inside. Someone was trying to take them out with plyers when POOF! All of the lights went out in the dining room %26amp; kitchen. I flicked the breaker on and off; still nothing. His plyers have a burn mark. Did he completely burn out the wiring in the dining room and kitchen?

here is the chandelier type of lightning fixure that had the broken bulbs in it:

here is a close up of one of the sockets in the hanging fixture; you can still see like a wire or metal piece hanging out:

Here is the light fixture in our kitchen, which is not working now either:

Here is the light switches:|||First of all, don%26#039;t allow %26quot;someone%26quot; near anything

electrical again. (The poor fool might have died.)

Second, it%26#039;s highly unlikely that you

%26#039;burned%26#039; any wiring. - Thats what breakers are

designed to prevent. While it%26#039;s possible that

the short damaged the breaker, this is also unlikely.

Are you sure that you cycled the correct breaker?

Did you cycle it all the way %26#039;off` and back to %26#039;on`?

The photo of the socket is unclear, but you mention

%26quot;a piece of metal sticking out%26quot;. If there is still a short,

the breaker will immediately trip again if you try to

close it.


try to be sure that there is no short remaining in the socket,

and then try to reset the breaker.

If the above fails, I%26#039;m afraid you have done all that

you ought to attempt alone. Call a Pro.|||Call an electrician.

You probably shorted the wiring out with the pliers which probably cross-connected the circuit. Next time turn off the breaker before you stick metal objects ino a socket. Lucky he did not shock himself or you.|||With properly functioning breakers and normal wiring up to code, it is unlikely that the wiring would burn out prior to the switch or the breaker.

If both light circuits in the dining room and kitchen are non-functioning I suspect it is the breaker that is blown.|||I won%26#039;t even look at the pictures because they won%26#039;t show what I suspect is the problem.

When the light socket shorted out, a bad connection somewhere MELTED off at about the same time the breaker tripped.

If you are melting wiring, it is time to get a qualified electrician involved. There are probably other spots almost as bad.|||Well, definately call an electrician. Don%26#039;t mess with it for safety%26#039;s sake.....|||If you know what you are doing you could try replacing the breaker which might be hosed. Otherwise I think you should cal an electrician.

If %26quot;someone%26quot; tried to take broken lightbulbs out of a powered light fixture with metal pliers, I suspect calling an electrician might be the best bet.

Anyone else just love the LED color changing lightbulb?

I got one for a gift I think they are cool!鈥?/a>|||Then you would love my light,it is two tall(9%26quot;)frosted tubes that have LED lights that change colour,you can take the tubes off and carry them around or place them in different parts of the room,then recharge them for the next day.I also have a collection of animals with LED lights that change colour example: turtle(shell is the light)dragonfly(wings are the lights)Frog(eyes and spots are the lights)dogs with(collars that have lights)and many more.I love LED lights鈾モ櫏鈾モ樇|||They are very interesting.|||entrancing... i think i%26#039;m hooked...|||*unscrews the lightbulb putting u in the dark*

*screws it into her room*

how many canadians does it take to screw in a lightbulb? one, but only if it%26#039;s a she.|||yes|||looks pretty sweet|||got some fitted under my kitchen cupboards, lovely!|||I have something like that in my room!

I can watch it for hours without getting bored haha!|||yes i do it%26#039;s just so fun|||It looks pretty cool how bright is it %26amp; are they for indoor or outdoor use......|||I ordered a similar one and put it on my aquarium. Looks really cool.

I fell off a chair changing a lightbulb on my patio. I landed on a concrete step on kidney area. What now?

I%26#039;m moving but I can tell it%26#039;s not gonna be good later. I have a very busy next 5 days. Going on vacation. Friends in town tonight and plans to take them out. I%26#039;ve never had a fall and hurt my back and don%26#039;t know what to do now. Help!|||Go to the ER; do it NOW. It could be serious, and if it is, it%26#039;s NOT going to get better by itself. The sooner you get it checked, the sooner you%26#039;ll start getting better.

I was changing a lightbulb with the power off and I felt a shock go through my body?

Doesn%26#039;t the power have to be on to get electrocuted?

or what happened to me? My right arm still feels weird 10 minutes later...?|||Check the switch to make sure the black wire is running through the switch and not the white wire. It also looks like the fixture is wired backwards if you got a shock by touching the screw threads of the light bulb.

By the way, yes there is a correct way to wire a light socket. Granted it will work either way, but the proper way is to connect the hot wire (black) to the connection at the bottom of the screw base and the return (white) to the threaded part of the base so that if you touch the screw threads as you are removing the bulb you are less likely to get shocked.|||Oh my god! your switch is connected to the ground cable and not to the phase, so when you turn off the light the ground cable is disconnected but the phase still goes to the light bulb so you get the shock. Someone has to go the breakers connection box and invert the two cables that are going to that light bulb but BY THE WAY, they have to check the rest of the lights connected to the same breaker because they might also be inverted. A phase neon lamp would helps lots to identify the inverted connections. Just to remember, in ANY HOUSE CONNECTION, the neutral cable is also ground, this is a standard safety practice and if you need and extra ground it has to be taken separated to the already ground connection so your cables are inverted. no doubt about it.|||Yes the power needs to be on to get a shock. Did you check with a voltage tester that the circuit you turned off was the one you were working on? The other possibility is that you pinched a nerve in you right shoulder, it has happened. You should see a Dr if the symptoms persist, it could be something other that a shock or a pinched nerve.|||it sounded like it was connected to the ground. and yeah, what the person said above me... PS, it also happened to me before|||Yes the power has to be on to get electrocuted. It sounds like the light was still live. Are you sure you had the right circuit breaker turned off or was this light on a light switch? Either way you need to be sure that the electricity is off to that light. Were you using a fiber glass ladder or a metal ladder? You should always use a fiberglass ladder when working around electricity. It is an insulator. Also wear rubber sole shoes like tennis shoes.|||it is not certain that the switch is connected to the ground cable. first of all a basic light does not need a grounding cable to work. when properly wired the switch would be connected to the hot wire and the neutral wire would continue unbroken to the light fixture. the ground is merely there to keep you from getting shocked in the event of a short. so dont go running to the breaker box just yet. first were you changing it on a floor lamp or a ceiling fixture. if it was the ceiling fixture keep in mind that many times lights and outlets are run in circuits. that means that they are not the last light or outlet on the branch. they might always have power to them. whether or not the circuit is completed at the switch determines if that light is going to be receiving power.

the most likely scenario is that there is a loose or improperly secured wire in the fixture. hire someone who knows what they are doing to come over and take a look.

and a standard light fixture cannot be wired backwards like someone stated. a light works as electricity passes through the element and causes resistance. the resistance puts of light and heat. it does not matter which way the current floxs through it. as a matter of fact just about all electrical devices can run with the hot input coming through either side. except for modern electronics. that is why in your grandmothers house the outlets dont have a big side and a small side. it doesnt matter which side went to which. the hot or neutral. that is one of the beautiful things about ac(alternating current)|||As an electrician, I occasionally get zapped. More often though, I get the felling of being shocked. The same muscle contraction, the same adrenaline rush. This even happens when in a building where power has yet to be installed.

I dont think that I can give you an explanation but you have my sympathy.

There does need to be a complete path for current to flow.

Electricity doesnt take the path of least resistance. It takes every path available to it, the resistance of the path determines the current flow.|||you should always check with a meter to make sure the power is off.. what possible happened is that the switch which controls your light breaks the circuit, but if its switching the neutral instead of the hot then even though the circuit is broken better then there will be a hot wire at the fixture. you became the conductor that will complete the circuit to ground, 120 volts lamp there is one wire that have volts and the other is the neutral back to the panel to complete the circuit.. if the wire that%26#039;s carries the voltage..was on the on, off switch instead of the neutral, then you would not have been shocked.|||carpet shock or wet somewhere/|||Yes, you may have just had a %26quot;reflex%26quot; reaction, especially if you were worried about changing the light, but heres a couple of reasons you may have had an actual shock.

If you light was wired INCORRECTLY, someone may have wired the switch to the neutral side instead of the %26quot;hot%26quot; side. In this case the light will still operate normally since the switch will still stop power FLOW, but there will be voltage at the light all the time.

With the light switched off check for 120 VAC between the white, black (or red) and ground. There should be no voltage between any of these and ground. With the switch on there should only be voltage between the black (or red) and the ground (voltage between the black and the white would be normal at this point, but were using the ground as a common reference). Also, with the power on, verifing voltage between the black and ground will also show that you DO infact have your ground connected.

Although it%26#039;s far more rare, if you had a lower body resistance (ie; damp or sweaty hands) it is possible to get a low voltage shock by even touching the neutral side of the socket and ground (the screws of socket base for example). Since it%26#039;s current flow that cause your muscle to contract (that shock feeling) the lower your body resistance, the less voltage you need to feel a shock and even the netral side can rise a few volts above zero depending what else is powered on in that electrical line.

Anyway, make sure your not touching anything else while you doing that in the future.|||It sure wouldn%26#039;t hurt to pay the $60 , to have a pro come check it out. Small price to pay for the zap eleminator.

What is a catchy slogan for saving energy by changing a lightbulb?

my class is making brochures about changing incandescent light bulbs into compact florescent light bulbs. i need a catchy tiltle in the brochure we talk about the amount of heat and co2 please help!!|||Turn out the light

When you say, %26quot;Goodnight.%26quot;

Changing lightbulb on a high ceiling...?

I need to change a burned out light bulb on the ceiling by my staircase. The ceiling there is two-stories high (probably about 18-20ft?)

What%26#039;s the best way to do this? I don%26#039;t have a ladder, so am I just S.O.L. in the dark?|||If the bulb is bare and you don%26#039;t have to unscrew any fixtures to get to the bulb, I suggest buying a Light-bulb/pole remover. Home-Depot sells them they extend out up to15ft. You unscrew the bulb with this device and screw the new bulb back in with it. This avoids the ladder altogether and is safer. As for lighting, do it in the daytime and/or buy a battery powered lantern they are great for light anywhere and especially for blackouts.|||you look pretty cute, ask a guy, I%26#039;m sure he%26#039;ll do it

Poll: How many Clint C's does it take to change a lightbulb?

Congratulations, Eccentric Clint C just touched your life and started a chain reaction causing your eyes to look at the avatar of Eccentric Clint C.

-Eccentric Clint C|||it would take all of them together to figure out how|||lol. yeah Clint C would make the Barbies do it, dude! :D|||i dont think there are that many clint Cs|||0. The Barbie%26#039;s do it for them