Saturday, June 4, 2011

How many fundies does it take to change a lightbulb ?

How many fundies does it take to change a lightbulb ?

( I would think as light bulbs are not mentioned in the bible fundies do not think they exist.)|||One to take out the busted lightbulb, one to curse it as witchcraft, one to blame the rest of society and another to pray for sunshine in the middle of the night.|||old hat question|||They don%26#039;t.|||One to screw it in, one to push the switch and say %26quot;Let there be light.%26quot;

And ten others to pretend it was witty.|||it would never get done, because they would just pray to %26#039;God%26#039; to do it. lol|||only one to supervise a dozen atheists who screw up the light|||No, no no. We can%26#039;t change that lightbulb. My great, great, great grandma donated that lightbulb!!

ha ha lol!|||None.

They%26#039;ll just bask in the light of their (imagined) God.|||None - they all just sit around in the dark and Pray for God to do it.|||Light bulbs? Ohhh are you talking about the giant fire flies on my ceiling that God has gratefully given to me through his servant walgreens?|||100 would pray. Then the janitor would change the bulb. He will say that someone told him the bulb was burned out. The fundies will believe the %26quot;someone%26quot; was an angel sent by God.|||Two. One to change it, and one to just stand their and be all, %26quot;ugh, gay, universal healthcare...repent!%26quot;, and other annoying fundamentalist things.

I don%26#039;t feel like being creative. Big deal.

Better answer: They hate change of any kind.