None. They like to keep employees in the dark.
How many Democrats does it take to change it?
17.One to change the bulb,six to talk about how wonderful it%26#039;s going to be when the new bulb is screwed in, and ten to argue for increased funding for solar lightning research.
How many guitarists does it take......?
None, they just steal somebodys else%26#039;s light.
How many Christian Scintiest does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One. He prays for the old bulb to come back on.
How many real man does it take to change it.........?
None, Real man aren%26#039;t afraid of the dark.
How many lonely guys...........?
One he wishes it was two.
How mant telemarketers..............?
Only one, but she has to do it while you are eating dinner.
How many cops...........?
Six to sit and hope that it turns itself in.
Please add your list if you want. And let me know which one you like. No mean people pls|||I only have an anwer to the first one.
Managers? None. Managers don%26#039;t work!!|||lol ok............|||lol those were great
thanks for the laugh|||These WERE good but under the wrong category -- might want to repost under jokes/riddles -- but I did enjoy them..... :)|||lol!! the telemarketer one made me laugh out loud in a room all by myself.. lol|||how many Yale grads....?
just one, they hold the bulb in the socket and wait for the world to revlove around them...haha.|||just a comment: it took two of us management to change the light bulb...both females (of course)|||In South Africa ?|||Lol - how many blonds .....? 5 one to hold the bulb and 4 to turn the chair|||Shweet - Thanks for sharing|||I love the second one, thanks for the laugh!|||Thanks Neli g. A good start to the weekend