Friday, September 23, 2011

How many of the Lost cast does it take to change a lightbulb?

1, but it will take 20 episodes
How many of the Lost cast does it take to change a lightbulb?
one to try and get out of doing it, one to discover an underground bunker, one to get smacked up, on to give birth, one to shoot someone, one to get shot, one to go crazy, one to make a raft, one to bury their dead girlfriend, one to tie up a terrorist, one to change the lightbulb, one to find the lightbuln, one to hold the ladder, one to steal the ladder to make a raft. . . hang on, how is there electricity on a deserted island? but then again, if there's a polar bear, why not!
How many of the Lost cast does it take to change a lightbulb?
Yeah how very true!
Very True 鈧偓鈧?$$
its funny and true at the same time
the pilot
ha ha very true you made me laugh. funny funny person funny funny funny rhymes with.. mummy, bunny, funny, cunny, honey. luney, money,doney, so there you go.
all of them---dumb show

how true...
Can you repeat the question as I got lost in thought and being in unfamiliar territory it took me a little time to get out.
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