How many republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?
They don't change them. They have their servants do it, or they are living in a trailerpark and have oil lamps...
(it's a joke people, don't slaughter me)
How many republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?
None,we go hire a democratic day laborer to do it for a piece of crack
Just one.
But it takes 8 democrats to screw it in and then their terrorist leader to blow it up.
one, because we own the light-bulb factory.
One and a hundred democrats to turn the house.
they cant- theyre too stupid (me democrat)
1 Republican and several Democrats.
1 Republican to change the bulb to fluorescent and several Democrats to create the law that made him do it.
depends on who's light bulbs we're changing. Go ahead flip the switch democrats
Five, one to hold the bulb and four to turn the ladder.