How many cats does it take to change a lightbulb?
how high is the bulb.
How many cats does it take to change a lightbulb?
none 'cause they don't have thumbs!!
Cats change lightbulbs?
cats can't change lightbulbs
ummm who cares
haw many ours took for you to ask this question
None. They just meow in their owner's face while they are sleeping peacefully and in the middle of awesome dream until they get up in a panic, try to figure out what the cat wants for about 5 minutes, and finally changes the light bulb.
ummm, a punch line wuld be a good addition right about now...
oh iheard this one before...i forgot!! though
One - sniff the bulb after you changed it.
Thats Stupid
They don't have thumbs, so they can't change a light bulb.
why isn't this under jokes?
um, they can't. Thanks for the points