Just wondering...
How many Labour MPs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None. They'd blame the absence of light on the last govt.
How many Labour MPs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None ... they get their secretaries to do it for them
Just the one, they're all experts in screwing things up.
I did not know that labour MPs were aware that lightbulbs existed.
64,420.32 to hold the chair
1 Labor MP to thread the bulb.
Are you happy now? hope I made your day.
Now you know how many labor MP's can stand on the head of a pin...
2 of course, 1 to change it, and the other to lick Gordon Browns (*^(^(%26amp;
no, 2
no wait 7
no, it's 1
I think.
At least a hundred less than the Tories would need.
Tories would use a servant being paid minimum wage to achieve what 100 highly paid MP's could not work out.
Exploitation at its worst but the Tories call it delegation, or worse empowering the employee. ie. getting someone else to do the dirty work and take the blame if something goes wrong.
Two many
They wouldn't know how, just like they don't know about anything else that matters.
1, efficiently %26amp; saving money %26amp; resources.
But 50,000 conservatives to stand by watch and say %26quot;its time for a change%26quot; %26amp; %26quot;we could of done it better%26quot;, %26quot; ours would of been built to last%26quot;
%26amp; then spend the next 100 years deciding which 1 of them is going to do it................
say no more !
None, they'd have to publish a task force document on it first!