If you want to, you can even specify which Team. Give this your best shot.
A riddle or a rumor? How many Brainiacs does it take to change a lightbulb?
22 but since we only have 21 at the moment we let the YAmsters do it.
A riddle or a rumor? How many Brainiacs does it take to change a lightbulb?
50....10 to analzy.....20 to think of different ways to change it...29 to say its impossible...and one to try it
101 , 1 to hold the light bulb and 100 to turn the house around and around
The Polish Teams says 5.... 1 to hold the bulb and four to turn the ladder. Now it may appear to be dumb..But what the hey.. We are working over here...
It would take a team effort =))
none they could just make a robot 2 do it LAME!
One to hold the bulb and the rest to turn the world. Group B %26quot;The Best%26quot;.
I heard it from a good source that they all said %26quot;lightbulbs, who needs lightbulbs, when I can see the pc just fine by it's own light?%26quot;