How many trolls does it take to change a lightbulb?
0. The lightbulb never gets changed because they are too busy cloning, harassing, being racist, etc that they don't even realize it's dark outside and a light is needed.
How many trolls does it take to change a lightbulb?
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none cause trolls cant move, so they wouldnt be able to change the light bulb, trolls are just toys...
I think it would take an average of 50 because they would have to build the pyramid and have the last little dude climb up there.
none....cause they're so dumb? IDK
One to change the lightbulb; nineteen to keep the pink flamingos from upsetting the ladder.
zero....trolls are not real
Zero. Trolls never do anything useful. They'd rather just complain about the dark.
Trolls cannot change a lightbulb. They're too busy screaming for attention.
more than one if the lighgt bulb is on the ceiling but i think they live in cave which dont have elecricity how sad... no wait they live under bridges.
It depends on the type of lightbulb and how skillful the trolls are in their efforts
12, if they build a pyramid. 11 if they stand on their tiptoes.
Well trolls usually live under bridges.
Bridges don't usually have lightbulbs.
So i'm's a trick question. Trolls don't know how to change lightbulbs!!
how many you're willing to get mad at.
You got me
100 because there so stupid
Are they short trolls or tall trolls!
Three. One to try to make the New Lightbulb manifest upon the world and two to fail in stopping him.
Just one - Edna Banbrick....cuz she's in the WORST CITY EVER - FLORIDA.
10000 because every troll can not move and there would have to be 1 troll at the top with one arm sticking up and 1 twister
depends on %26quot;watt%26quot; wattage the bulb is and %26quot;watt%26quot; the trolls are %26quot;wattching%26quot; at the time !
Two. One to guard the bridge, one to change the bulb.
you often wonder about this hey?please seek help
None, the trolls like the dark!
when i knew some who worked on the motor way. i thought hey what a plug for Y/
How to get trolls to change your lightbulb:
well you convince trolls that you have a special job for them. Lie and say it'll save people's lives and make a big difference. Then when you have their trust take the little trolls and stack them up one by one up to the ceiling. You'll need alot depending how high it is to the lightbulb. Make sure the leader of the trolls is at the top. tell them to unscrew the bulb and drop it down for you to catch it. Toss the new one up so they can put that one in.
Caution: trolls are bad catchers so you might wanna keep back up lightbulbs just to make sure.
In a couple of hours, or days, you'll have a brand new, shiny lightbulb replaced by green little trolls. Enjoy!
None, cos they're too busy answering questions on this page.
23 and a half
One with the biggest feet to dangle upside down from the lightbulb - whilst one pedals in a circle on its trike...the rest of them trying to pat down their hair after the electric shock...hehe
none... trolls can't change a lightbulb...
trolls don't change the lights as they have 'night vision'. this was a consequence of evaluation as it helped them to rampage, kill and gen rally have fun 24 hours a day