Friday, September 23, 2011

How many Chavs does it take to change a lightbulb?

Four in total:

One to hold the spliff %26amp; keep it lit, one to shout and gob off inane orders, one to keep the sofa warm and another to Google 'How to reach things that are high up'.
How many Chavs does it take to change a lightbulb?
wat is chavs?
How many Chavs does it take to change a lightbulb?

1 to change it and the other 5 to act like pricks.
Just one - I think they get taught how to do it in prison!
Sha ap blad i aint changin nuffin yget me
one.... they'll screw anything
none because they would call the council to do it in there council house!!
haha,one,the others are too busy hanging around the corner with their burberry taking the mic out of emos and normal people!
Come now sunshine,

Mugging someone who's just walked out of Argos with a new lamp is much easier than changing a lightbulb
I suppose only one, they hold it up and the world revolves around them.
Two. 1 to hold the lightbulb and one to drink white cider till the room spins

one to steal it

the rest to try and flog it
they don't, they just move on and crash in someone elses house who does have a working lighbulb.
It takes 3,812,319 I know that for a fact.I just asked the Chavs.