Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How many Republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?

None, republicans don't like change.
How many Republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?
Why change a working light ........Right now the current admin is attempting to steal or break all the working light bulbs, and replace none.

If any more darkness sweeps across our land......we will know why:

The newly appointed Czar for creating empty light sockets in the new %26quot;let me change our country%26quot; is doing the leader's bidding
How many Republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?
Why change a perfectly good lightbulb that still works?
One. A lightbulb they bought for themselves.
None, we pay someone else to do it
None...we hire a minimum wage lib to do it for us
None, we hire someone to do it for us becuase we have money.
4 less than it does the dumbocrats.
They also don't like science. they'll just use god's sun for their light.
wow ur so original........ shows how much CHANGE u did to CHANGE dat up.........
and unlike liberals at least my light %26quot;works%26quot;
It only takes one. They take the initiative to change the bulb, liberals wait for someone else to do it for them.
Is that the light bulb with the poison in it that you liberals are demanding, or the regular light bulb with no toxins that Conservatives use?

%26quot;None, republicans don't like change.%26quot; Incorrect. Republicans have no problem with needed change. Republicans don't like change just for the sake of change.
Better then the Democrats who need five committees to decide who will go get the light bulb..

then 5 committees to decide who will remove the burnt out bulb...

then 5 committees to decide who will climb the ladder...

then 5 committees to decide that light bulb wasn't burned out it was only loose...

then 5 committees on who will return the ladder....

then 5 committees to decide who will replace the new bulb back into its sleeve...

then 5 committees to decide who will put it back in the supply closet...

The Democratic way when they are in session...

Republicans call maintenance and have them check the light bulb please and if it needs replacing replace it. Simple, direct and to the point...
I like your answer, but you can also add they like to be in the dark.

Here's another answer, Two, the republican shoots out the burnt out bulb, then he calls a liberal electrician to clean up his mess.
Impossible question...they'd agree the lightbulb was unnecessary spending ;)
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